STUDENT RESUME: Tips on How to Write and Be Accepted for A Job

STUDENT RESUME: Tips on How to Write and Be Accepted for A Job

Just because you’re still studying doesn’t mean that you cannot start writing your resume. In fact, there are many students who are applying for jobs to help them support the financial needs for their studies. So whether it is a summer job, a part-time job or an internship, you need to be able to write the most effective resume that can help you land the job. Start writing your resume now by following these five simple tips that you need to take into consideration to be able to write a resume properly.

Begin with a qualifications summary. Most of the time, this is more effective than choosing to write an objective statement mainly because as a student, your career goals still tend to be undefined. A qualification summary would then give your possible employer a picture of the value that you can offer to the company. Just remember to keep the summary brief but full of content.

Give education the top billing in your resume. Although education is typically written at the bottom of the resume, actually writing them on top of your resume can be really effective especially if you are a student. This is because education is the most valuable information that you can provide your employer if you have no work experiences yet. Aside from including the name of your college or university, you might also include the extracurricular activities and courses that you have undertaken which can be considered related to your job target.

Know how to describe unrelated jobs the right way. It is best to avoid packing your document with all the irrelevant activities and experiences that has nothing to do with your possible career goal. However, you can try to extract all the important aspects of your work experiences that can be relevant to your prospective employer’s needs even though you were able to gain them from a different industry.

(SEE ALSO: Basic Resume Online – Learn The Fundamentals of Writing a Resume)

Learn to think like an employer – and also like a job seeker. You need to study ad jobs or internship announcements that interest you and learn their needed skills that you might have possibly acquired in the past. Choose to emphasize those skills in your resume.

Pick the right resume length and format. Keep in mind that a one-page resume for a student like you is more than enough. But if you think that a page will not be sufficient to list the achievements and activities that you did in the past that you deem related to the job, then you can go for a two-page resume.

Writing a student resume is one of the most effective ways of practicing and possibly perfecting your first real resume in the future. For the mean time, try making an effective student resume by remembering these tips and you could surely get hired for that job or internship that you wanted.

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